Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Please DO NOT Conform

The Culture we live in pushes people strongly to conform American values. If one doesn’t conform then they’re in trouble. We are told that we need an education by the power structure and we are told we must work. The America school system sets people up and encourages them to be workers. It doesn’t influence them to be themselves. It acts by saying everyone has to fit into this vacuum. The power structure is made to keep people in their place and does not allow for dreamers. If a child wants to dream the school system will tell them to go someplace else. They believe it’s no time for that. In Passion Project Romeo Says “Society is not doing its job because it has high expectations for people to follow what other people are doing”. By society I believe he means the people, but the people are only acting out the wants of the American school system. It’s like get down or lay down. If one tries to dream then America will be right around the corner to ostracize you. In the end that’s how it’s done. They created a culture to conform or leave and whether it’s good or bad depends on ones own views.  The sad thing is that people subconsciously know that it’s better to follow ones dreams than to conform to a life of unanimity.  But in life we find a lot of people don’t go with their gut. In a speech on education President Barack Obama said “You can choose a future where more Americans have the chance to gain the skills they need to compete, no matter how old they are or how much money they have. Education was the gateway to opportunity for me. It was the gateway for Michelle. And now more than ever, it is the gateway to a middle-class life”. This might sound nice to one who follows blindly and doesn’t acknowledge the governments hand in how he supposed to live. Essentially he tells people we can only choose our future and be successful by getting an education. By saying that’s the best way for a middle-class life just shows me that he and a lot of other people want us to be workers and not in the upper-class. While Obama encourages the masses of people in America to be workers, he supports colleges Like Cal Berkeley that have sister campuses in China that tell their students to be entrepreneurs, dreamers, and the thinkers. While we’re here being ushered into being the workers. He pushes values on the masses that only a few want. In the end the Power Structure wants the companies to be modern day centaurs, a Chinese head and American body. What a beautiful piece. I see many parallels from this and the days of the American Chattel slavery. African ‘’American” people were forced to do work while the white man prospered and was able to do what he wanted. I put quotes around American because they weren’t treated as Americans at that time and the hypocrites to call them American were and still are out of their minds.

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