Monday, July 22, 2013

Passion, Privilege, and The Power of Perception

    Perception is very strong. People make lifelong decisions around what others think of them. people don't know themselves until they fully break out of how they think that people think they should be. Essentially we imagine how we must appear to others then we imagine the judgement of that appearance, so we develop our own self through the perceived judgement of others. We see everyone doing this but its worse on women. We all know that Perception is far from reality. So why do we still continue to fall deeper in to disillusion? In Passion Project, Karina said

"they'd rather me be a nurse because they get money and they're in high demand". 

The parents perceive that nursing is a good job and most of all good, for their child. so the kid starts to enroll in nursing school never really finding her passion. luckily some kids see this early enough and hopefully run in the other direction. also I think in two parent households that the child rebels more because they are able to see their siblings do other things and they will tend to do the opposite. the siblings act as an example almost and one can judge what to do from there. Perception is rooted in power and the people in power who are usually privileged do the perceiving, and essentially they "know whats right". In turn stopping a generation of passion. 

            Privilege takes on different meanings to different people. Privilege is that invisible leg up, it not having to struggle for a job. Your able to own the fruit tree while people are struggling over the branches.  Its true that the privilege and non-privilege person might get to the same place in the end but one took a road less traveled in pursuit of ones passion. Passion, when you know your passion, you can get it from anywhere and anyone. It feels so good because, your Passion is never boring, your excited every time you can act on it so its never fulfilled and in the essence of never being fulfilled, Passions true beauty comes out in the form of its longevity. In Passion Project Elaine said

"I got my insurance license when i was 21 because i wanted to make sure that people though that i was gonna do something.(Privilege). I thought that putting on a suit and having this license would make me some kind of adult.(Perception). When all I wanted to do was run around in the fields and explore and learn.(Passion)."

Its sad that people everyday are living unfulfilled lives. living their lives through other peoples perception all while missing the person they love the most, themselves. its good that some people see this and decide to stray away from expectation. but a lot of kids are left behind and some how some way passion and the need to know oneself needs to be added to every level of schools curriculum. because in the end whats more important. Passion is so important that it was in the first major paper signed in America, before the Constitution. It said in the Declaration of Independence that we have unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Passion.

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